Which leetcode problems to do reddit
Let me know if you found this approach useful. id stick to more beginner-oriented sites like codingbat, that arent as focused on big O or data structures, but still have the same problem-solving emphasis that is essential to being a programmer. If you’re at that point that means you’re solving problems under your skill level, you’re not challenging yourself or improving. home assignment where I have to make some entry level project in 1-2 weeks. The one exception is if you feel lacking in data structures (as in what data structures are best for which cases), and what I would call fundamental algorithms (like DFS/BFS, searching, etc. Some are easy if you know this "one weird trick" but pretty much impossible to optimally solve if you don't know. Being able to solve the LeetCode hard problems will make you better prepared and increase your odds further. But it is: - Fluency with the idioms of specific languages. Now how you handle a problem is going to be up to you. There's a few things really: LeetCode is great at determining who has grit and perseverance. Then try to optimize it if you get timeouts. Anyway if you're giving only LC contests then it hardly takes 2. That way no matter a new question or repeat questions it would not matter to much. My data structures and algorithms knowledge were very weak to the point that I barely understood arrays and Don't spend 2 hours on a problem. Don’t just memorize a certain way, I used to do this and tried to memorize 200+ problems. There is no royal road to leetcode. but mind you, that's rare. I only know how to do it in brute force, not even close to optimal solutions. Come back 1 day later and try to solve the problem again. Put an honest 20-30 minutes straight in finding a solution, even brute force, before looking up the solution. doesn’t have to have all problems. First, brush up on your skills by taking an algorithms course. For example, I interviewed with Boeing this week and they asked me 1 LC Easy WhT I'm looking for is how people react under stress . If you can't solve a problem, don't stress. It can suggest problems to review based on the duration we spent solving the problems, the time since we last solved it, or the competency (a simple version of the Leitner system). See the code and try to understand the algorithm. Some are properly rated. Just do like 100 total. If the input is "3 + 5", the output should be "7". Again, learn to problem solve, not solve problems. Then, after getting the code for that, tweak it. ADMIN MOD. Personally, I try to do 2-3 leetcode tasks a day, finished 116 during the last 25 days. Please help: (. i. How do they deal with seemingly impossible odds. With pen and paper, you can actually work out a game plan and then come back to implement it. The frustrating thing is that often LeetCode style problems are not necessary to do the job, but are necessary to interview for the job. If you’re curious how I did it, I just wrote up an article where I talk about the mindset I used to approach every One person plays the interviewee, and one or two others are the interviewers. If you are stuck on coding part of it, look up the solution after debugging for 15-20 minutes but make a note to revisit it and work on your code fluency. 8 months ago I did that Jewels and Stones problem. If you cannot find a solution in 20-30 minutes, look at discussion section. 5. For FB (Menlo Park), you can probably get away with 79, the exact amount on their LC explore section. You can just as easily get experience with this working on real projects so there's nothing special about leetcode here really except that it more closely matches what you can expect to see in an interview. 2. Stop worrying about the amount and start focusing on what you get out of them. By thinking out loud, you show your thought process. Then after solving see where your solution fits. Start with easy tracks (ie arrays), pay for premium to get the solutions, start trying to understand the solutions and memorize them. However, the interviewers will try and guide you during the interview so, if you do get a "hard" one, it kinda becomes a "medium" with their help (in my opinion). For example, let's say the project was to code a simple calculator that can add any two numbers. This reads like a leetcode easy and a few discussing the problem on leetcode tend to agree. Try to solve the problems which you have the domain knowledge/concepts down (they're tagged within those problems as far as I've seen) Try to find a brute force algorithm for the problem first, if exists. I’ve done a total of 54 leetcode questions. Doing problems for practice is practicing with dummies, which is absolutely required for mastering the techniques but ultimately you have to fight in a time limited environment where you don't know which question needs what technique. By “low to mid tier” I mean non-MAANG and non-unicorn companies that ask easier to medium LC problems. They ask a question and give hints as needed (CTCI provides hints for you). No, Leetcode is not good software engineering. I can’t for the life of me solve any leetcode problems, and I really need something much simpler Cracking medium is hard because there's huge variability. Solving lc questions is a skill you have to learn by doing it multiple times, the biggest tool to help you is the solutions tab and the timing chart once you make a successful submission. Reply reply. /s. From my personal experience I started doing leetcode consistently at the beginnning of the year and have completed 80+ problems so far with 40+ easy, 40+ medium . razimantv. I got into a FAANG as my first interview anywhere out of college, total comp $200k. Big companies do also ask the "important stuff", there's system design, behavioral, and team matching rounds after the LeetCode filters. Keep a notebook if you like. Learning one gives you a better intuition for the other. There are skilled programmers who can’t do leetcode and world class leetcoders who are not skilled programmers. I say work on fundamentals because there isn’t much of a trick unless you consider indexing into array as a dictionary to be a trick. Members of the Leetcode subreddit, please share your top 5 Must Do Leetcode problems. Beyond that, Leetcode is just pattern matching. That some companies copy leetcode problems for their screenings makes the problem of memorization worse. NightGrizzly330. when to use 2 pointers, or DFS vs BFS, stack, queues, DP, greedy, etc. Also, the only thing that matters is contest rating. So Ideally you should solve 20 questions per pattern . So people can be brilliant that they don't need to do 20 questions per pattern and can understand the topic deeply in merely 5 questions. Sep 18, 2023 ยท Step 1: Setting the Foundation. Then hop on the Leetcode and browse problems on that topic and solve as many as you can. (Guessing this refers to total, not just med/hards, so med+hard should be 70-75% Also, it allows tagging to, for example, tag problems we want to revisit later. Problems like "build a basic version of Twitter" are exceptions, they can help examine someone's approach to high level design. The only way to get better at something is to attempt to do it, review failure and the appropriate solution, and then keep that process going until you can do it on your own in good time. Hell we had a guy calmly say 'this Is a good one . Go through any of the lists of top 50 questions that people have posted. - Fluency with particular problems and their solutions. Some people's path to a solution may be better suitable for some people while not working at all for others. Try to sleep on it. You can't expect to solve problems intended for CS grads with 4 years of experience after only 3 months. 20 min after youve stopped making progress. Keep practicing is important. It's a 100% free to-do list for Leetcode problem curations. I think leetcode is good practice, but ironically it feels like the brute force solution to DSA. 2-3 hours sounds a lot if you are not 100% in the hiring process, but before I got my job I literally did leetcode constantly until my brain was fried. You're given 30 minutes to talk through the problem and solve it, then you switch roles from being interviewed to the interviewer. And the expectations are going to be nonzero. Repeat as often as necessary. Sadly leetcode doesn't do that, but is often asked during an interview. In the end, it's not about how many Leetcode questions you've solved*. Only then attempt to do more harder quizzes. Alll the best! 1. Cancel premium when you feel good enough to solve some on your own. My belief you would enjoy Leetcoding way more than before and would be able to solve more number of medium level and difficult level problems. That said, having leetcode problems posted gives the impression that you spend your time practicing for interviews rather than learning something new or working on a project people might actually use. If you look at the last equation, f (i+1, j) and f (i, j+1) overlap. You need to do Leetcode and practice a lot in order to get good. It has really helped me get better at communicating my thought process, and I think it would help you to. io. My new one I just did, using hashtables and O(N) ran 7ms. My studying became 10x more efficient after I started looking at solutions more quickly and learned to recognize patterns. Definitely: Python, Java Possibly: C++, Go, JavaScript. You should encourage each other to speak your thoughts aloud while solving problems. Yes. No-Monitor-1451. What are 10 most important leetcode problems that coverage the vast majority of problems asked on typical LeetCode interviews. Of course you can share more than that but keep these things in mind. As a result, I now have 250 solved problems in 56 active days. I did about 100 during my interviews and it was alright. g. leetcode is fantanstic review for thay material. Do they cave and start freaking out ? Or do they remain calm and at least something anything. It puts stress in your brain and it is also going to help you build your confidence that you can learn tough concepts digest and master them. Typically when labeling a problem as trick problems it’s a DP or a tortoise and hare type of thing. I am gonna try to keep this short. 25 hrs/week, and there's no downside to it This will give you problems that are ranked >= your account's level. No, Leetcode is not the technology you'll be using on the job. so for them 50-60 questions are enough. Lynx2161. How I got into a FAANG 1st try after 54 solved leetcode problems. Spending hours on 1 question is very inefficient and out right stupid. Learn the concepts from easy problems and find similar medium problems and try those. Leetcode started as a collection of problems that companies asked students with a 4-year Computer Science degree. What I tend to do is spend about 1 hour, roughly 15 minutes each, sketching out rough solutions to four problems (8 in You need to concentrate on one "type" of problem first. Most of the problems they use are plays on popular Leetcode questions, but with a minor twist. JavaScript is actually nice too, but interviewers seem to have a stigma against it, YMMV. Of course, it is not necessary, but I think it is useful both in gaining self-confidence and in gaining practical thinking. What separates Easy, Medium, and Hard are: 1. Take a look at the easy hashmap questions, the trick to solving them becomes fill the hashmap then do some sort of if else statements. The question is itself moot. You need to know the time complexities of common algorithms. Do the practice (and eventually do the contests) to improve your skills first and foremost. It would be great if each section had example leetcode problems to practice. Then honestly just memorize some hards and pray. But solving ANYTHING on your own is a complete and utter waste of time. It is important to build a foundation - essentially a set of primitives that help you dissect each new problem into solvable units - this is what I mean by algorithmic thinking. Once you have enough confidence on your problem solving ability, these contests will help you gain The approach or pattern or intuition is what matters most. You pretty much need to grind it to get used to it. Probably wouldn’t be able to solve the hards but I think the easy and medium problems I’ve done aren’t too bad. Recursive patterns in Binary Search Trees are also found in merge sort. You will simply be getting frustrated, and spinning I like recommending leetcode as a sort of intermediate learning tool, but I think there are huge diminishing returns around 100-150 questions. Do exactly what you’re doing now. I think it's good practice to do it in both, but you need to think of how the language can help you. You should intentionally try to solve it brute force - that generally means nested loops or recursion. in excell. 1. Man, I know that it’s a bother to learn. The topics become more complex as you advance, I think that with trees and graphs you shouldn't try to do I was told not to memorize or recall problems but to do a variety of questions to learn when you use techniques like DP, two pointers, recursion, binary search, hash maps or whatever to solve different problems. I have applied to different companies and none of them asked any Leetcode from me. Remember to fully understand the solutions from other people. revise it once in a while. It contains 3 lists, 1) Blind 75, 2) Neetcode 150 (the most important), 3) Neetcode All. He also has some vids about the common data structures and algos. Then go back to your past solutions, go over them again and again, check other's solutions, try to dissect and understand them. Iteration helps remind our brain to maintain relevant knowledge. Try to move down one level (n^2 -> n log n -> n) and state the trade off required to do so by increasing the other (time vs space). Also f (i, j) defines a larger problem search space than f (i+1, j)/f (i, j+1) so there is optimal substructure. Practice interviewing, answer the top entry level questions, practice speaking to another person, practice doing leetcode problems in front of someone else, practice your elevator pitch. e. On the other hand, smaller companies with just a dozen applicants shouldn't be doing the LeetCode filter, and those that do are just blindly copying Big Tech. Also, at the end of the day, they care a lot more about how you solve the The only exception is problems that solely rely on an obscure computer science algorithm that isn't used anywhere else except for this problem, but you shouldn't be studying those on Leetcode, except for fun. I know I sound crazy. 478, per day. But medium and hard need weeks or months of prep before they’re easy to figure out. They pull from this list very frequently. You can also choose the 'Fundamentals' option if you want, which gives simpler problems. Use chatgpt for further explanation. Easy questions test basic data structures and algorithms, like binary trees and hash maps, and they have relatively simple "twists" that most people should be able to figure out after thinking about them for a few Step 2: Extrapolate information from the recurrence. Skip common interview questions like the blind 75 or interview 150 as most people have them covered. I am in a CS program and went through my degree just cramming for finals and screwing around. 5-7 minutes thinking of solution and explaining high level approach. These algorithmic problems are 10% creative thinking and 90% pattern matching on previously solved problems. 1 a day. You’re doing it right with neetcode imo. You need to truly understand the base problem (i. 5 years ago it took me 6 months to go through 120+ questions. Understand how the problem is being solved, even easies. 3 months to 6 months. Then reimplement those good solutions. I only started taking leetcode seriously a month ago and relearned a few data structures. He passed and got hired . I’m trying to get some practice reps in so I feel more comfortable in an interview setting when I apply to MAANG and other places where the stakes are higher. The common languages I've seen are Python and Java. Really embarrassing situation. Excellent writeup. com . 5 minutes questions. Go back to the fundamentals of traversing, sorting and manipulating the data structures. Then gradually move onto the "easy" problems which have lower acceptance rates. For example python has a lot of stuff that can make your code shorter and easier to imo dont do leetcode until youve taken a data structures class and an algorithms class. 48K subscribers in the codingbootcamp community. I'll have to do more research on this topic , can I get back to you after . A daily practice will make your grind a lot easier; just do one problem a day. Or am I missing something. After doing ~100 questions from various topics, you'll start to get an idea about how to solve a problem with much more ease. State the time and space complexity. Then I just realize that I am dumb. Let's take one question for example: It’s possible to memorize the solution to any number of leetcode problems, and still be completely unable to decompose a real-world problem into solveable parts. I made this for me, but it would be helpful for someone who wants to Leetcoding efficiently. I don't think I have ever done this in my 8 years of experience. This means learn how to tackle a problem regardless of what it is. I dont actually code on my phone but I look at solutions and ask questions about them, and have the app ask me questions, simulating an interview setting. Java is a second choice if you know it. C++ if you’re already very very very strong with it. Look at what other people are submitting try to understand that and then code it on your own. Use a cadence that makes sense to you. 2 hard. And even a good rating can be faked if you participate in contests with others. take 20 minutes. Spend the rest of your time grinding soft skills. but a pattern that is new for you. After you successfully solve a leetcode problem, click the graph to see other people’s faster solutions and go thru their code line by line. Neetcode is a website, which contains lists of Important leetcode problems. Huge Leetcode skill is a strong signal that someone is a skilled programmer, but ultimately it’s just a signal. tcsiwula. Revising your notes you'll automatically start thinking about those approach or patterns. Then come back 3 days later and then 7 days later and then 2 weeks later Solve the easiest problems and build up from there. stacks, queue). Revise them only, you don't have to solve same problems again. Learn to solve small problems by programming. No it only makes you good at problem solving algorithm skills. 6. But if the pay is not good and you have to switch, I would say wake up early and do some (1-2hr)leetcode before going to work and then another 1-2hr before sleeping, 2-3hrs a working day and 5-6 on weekends for 3-4 months with full concentration is more than enough. Some people do this, completely misunderstanding the point of leetcode. . some built in data structures (e. 20-25 minutes write code. In the past a few months, I kept solving leetcode. If for example you made the leetcode interview as difficult as possible, you’d still get the same number of applicants, but only say 1 would pass. I had a O(N 2) solution that ran at 60ms. Hi, I made LeetcodeHub. 846: 203 easy, 468 medium, 175 hard. That said, I do think there are a couple of reasonable ways to use leetcode as a college student. They will probably suck at being a team player which is a more important metric to look at during an interview. 1 Understand the Basics. And as you move onto learning more complex sorting and searching functions, you'll learn more useful patterns. This is good practice. How obvious the "twist" is. Create a notion page, write types of problems, types of approaches, pseudo code etc. Some medium problems are legitimately hard problems. . •. It's a truly frustrating process to get good at it, and those who do are usually quite disciplined. Memorize the patterns. A subreddit dedicated to questions and discussions about coding 80 easy. You do not have the base knowledge yet. Leetcode hard is a very strong filter for a certain type of candidate who gets it, because it's really twice as much work to go from medium to confidently doing hards as it is easy to medium. Being good at leetcode doesn’t cause you to be a skilled programmer—it correlates with it. I prefer that a resource give real examples of when you might use these tricky algorithms. LeetCode can be hard to work through, but you'll get it eventually. No. I've been a tech professional for 29 years, and today I just solved my 500th problem on day 60 of being on Leetcode. Complexity of data structures / algorithms tested and 2. Reply. Let me tell you that this didn’t work ๐. Means some 5-7 hours a day combined with system design questions and other recruitment process activities. You have to suffer to git Gud. Despite what people say, very very very few people could solve one Leetcode medium and one hard problem in 45 min with just a fundamental understanding of DS&A. This way you will learn to find the topic itself based on the question. 11. Leetcode only hire people that are good with doing leetcode. It's not like someone can write you the perfect plan. Leetcode gives you a lot of practice taking a problem, thinking it through, figuring out the corner cases, and coming up with a solution. Doing 3-5 leetcode per hour is dumb. 3. The solutions to these questions are also 1 language. Anything less and you're too lazy to employ. Make sure once you are done with approx 5-7 problems from each topic, solve questions randomly without looking the topic. Here is how to properly leetcode: DO NOT attempt to solve any questions on your own (YET!). Good interviewers should give hints and nudge you. 5-8 minutes fixing bugs, running through with an example, follow up questions. Yes, you heard me right. Leetcode is just a subset of competitive programming, and no competitive programmer got good simply by understanding. Even if you haven't seen the exact problem, at some point, you'll have seen enough similar problems to have some ideas for jumping off points. One suggestion: go back to the ones you checked out the answers for in a few days. The majority of Leetcode problems is based on a maybe 10-15 or so base problems. ). (Just joking ) Reply. I would say that you shouldn't get too down if you cannot solve a problem. This should be at a blackboard. I'm wondering if these questions could be solved more concisely using Python or Java especially since Javascript lacks. Before diving into LeetCode problems, ensure you have a strong grasp of fundamental data structures and algorithms, including: Arrays Number of problems don’t matter, it’s quality > quantity. Cheat sheet. That'll help you confirm that you understand how to apply a solution. Neetcode 150 has some really important must do Leetcode questions that are generally asked in the interviews. Very interesting question. They have categories of 1 easy, 2 Medium and 1 Hard, and solving 3 is more than enough. There’s a limit though, I think the more difficult, the more exclusive the leetcode problems, the more qualified candidates you filter out as a percentage of the total applicants. First is that leetcode helps you build the skill of looking at a problem and saying "this is a problem where I should use graph search" or "this is a problem where I should use a Trie" or "this is a problem where I should use union-find". Golang looking nicer and nicer every day. See solutions and learn. 2 years ago it took me 3 months to go through 150 questions from Grokking the Coding Interview ( designgurus. io ). You need to be fluent before you decide which practices are best. They are mostly famous problems that are well documented by medium, YouTube, and other places. Keep a spreadsheet of all the “tricks” to solve problems as well as the algorithms. Do 1-2 problems per day. Having to decide whether or not to do Leetcode every day is exhausting and not sustainable. I can’t even do leetcode easy. Leetcode or any other online judge is able to perform 10^8 operations per second (or some other time delta). The project only depends on fzf to "fuzzy" find the problem in the problem list. Leetcode is applied theory, but they are little throwaway problems that don't contain a lot of real world context. Then spend time watching a YouTube video and analyzing the solution. The easy questions cover undergrad level algorithms. 2) from this point, only do hard questions. This is something you need to be able to do almost blind. Refer to it every now and then and keep improving it when you find a new problem. These are all things we look for when we give someone a problem to solve. You’ll improve more by spending an hour on a brand new problem you genuinely find challenging. Without looking at the answers again, solve the problem. Don't memorize solutions. Don't solve leetcode right now if you have to look up every question. A large part of the "leetcode interview" process is actually about communication. More emphasis on questions that taught you an amazing concept that you found really handy I practice on my phone quite often with https://learnleetcode. WebCraftsmanship. Most candidates end up going over time or never finish writing the code. If I am going for general SWE then whatever language I am most comfortable with, if preparing for a specific language role then whatever they want. That takes it to roughly 220 questions. Give it a try! Is the top interview questions list a good place to start doing Leetcode problems that are relevant ? If not any other Leetcode problem suggestions ?… Helped learn patterns that can be applied to solve problems like sliding window, two pointers and others. There are a lot of repetitive patterns so you’ll have to look at a bunch of solutions to learn those. Doing 500 leetcode problems will create an impact on my interviewer that i had a great or some knowledge of DSA. Open to getting any feedback. I searched "how many leetcode" on Blind, the most common answers were 200-300 if you're a CS major, 500+ if you aren't. Here is what I did: 1) do 50 easy to middle questions. 34 medium. Easy is easy, hard is hard, but medium is this catch all. Your best bet is to learn how to problem solve. You’re not going to finish all 150 in 2 weeks so I’d really just farm the easies then as many mediums until you feel comfy with that particular subject. Levels are measured in kyu and goes from 8kyu (lowest) to 1kyu, with the problems increasing in difficulty. Think out loud of approaches to a brute force. I can give a random self-taught physicist a leetcode problem and it will take them 9 months to figure it out (or most likely never). Medium/hard cover graduate level algorithms. your mothers a whore. However, I noticed a lot of the LeetCode solutions in the discussions (especially the top ones) rarely use Javascript. First, learn to program. Hey. You need to develop a routine so that diligence takes over when the motivation is not there. After you've done about 30 easy questions you'll find it easier to solve rest of the easy questions because all problems involve similar steps to solve them and you will also learn from your past mistakes. You "can't solve medium level leetcode problems without looking at the solution or hints" yet. So far I've done 17/109 Easy, 24/282 Medium, 1/50 Hard problems. Anyone can cut and paste solutions. 4. able to do Easy problems of that type quickly), and then it's easier to get the mediums. muscleupking. Eventhough Leetcode isn't a competitive programming platform, there are contests which allow you to try out brand neew problems and even compete with others. The start was discouraging. In my experience, - 1/3rd of the interview problems are arrays If you ask a Leetcode hard you don't want someone who asks questions like "is Leetcode easy enough" on Reddit. My suggestion is it is futile to spend time on advanced topics if you aren't really confident in Arrays/Strings. Nope, all companies do not ask for Leetcode. Now if n=10^4 then O ( n^2 ) TC means we can perform 10^8 ( = (10^4)^2 ) operations which is well within the constraint range. After coding your solution, give it a few tweaks to be able to solve similar but related problems. Currently supports Blind 75, Grind 75, NeetCode 75, and Educative 77 & 99. 13. The best way to go about it is jot down every important approach or pattern in your words in some notes. Again, LeetCode is just a filter. A person that did not do rigorous DS&A prep (comp programming, very difficult course, leetcode prep or self-taught) will struggle to solve these types of problems at all. After solving over 220 medium problems and 60 hard problems, it is still depressing. The recurrence can tell you a lot of information on how this problem can be solved. This video has some good advice about setting a time limit for yourself to 2-3 easy and medium level problems should be enough, but keep in mind that competition for even the lower tier development positions is becoming fierce. If you are stuck on the concept, go review the topic, practice other problems and retry. Many interviewers would like to believe the questions they ask should be easy for a good CS student with just a bit of a review. Don't even spend 5 minutes on a problem. You have already worked quite hard in high school and college. SQL is better than no-SQL 99/100. 13 votes, 11 comments. Imactuallystupidaf. Award. I think its great to get good at those kinds of questions but beyond that, you're going to be spending way too many hours working on leetcode when there's so much beyond that to learn about. The great thing about Leetcode is you don’t need to be at a computer to do it all the time. Today I solved 1695 and 318 in O(n^2) both. 8. Otherwise, we forget after a while. jn qk hk ru vc kn nx sq pk dm