How to live with a dog you hate reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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Especially since your followup comment said your son gets overwhelmed by the dog's behavior too. This is relevant because of her obsession with I hate their smell, the noises they make, their begging eyes, the constant whimpering and whining to get attention, the inconvenience that comes with them, and the freaking staring, their destructive tendencies, the separation anxiety. It’s not his fault. S/he's got more of a heart than a "dog lover" who takes their pet to the kill shelter or dumps their pet in the country (I foster dogs). Fortunately the place we board him is very well reputed and he knows the staff, but still, I think I’d rather not go on vacation at all lol. ADHD can cause you to infer the rest of the sentence too. Using snuffle mats gives them the same type of exciting reward with a positive association, and on the owner’s terms. I've been with my girlfriend for over a year, and I think it's very likely that we're going to get married down the road. I work in rescue. This could be a good time for you to spend some time to analyze what makes you uncomfortable about the dog. Training never ends. So talk to your aunt and tell her to train her dog, move out, or dont do anything and keep whining. my biggest wish in life is for all of those fuckers to lie on the grill and feed my tummy. Explain that you don't like being frustrated with the dog and you don't want that frustration to carry over into the relationship. And my dog was quite friendly with dogs and was a frustrated greeter. They claim they care about all life on earth yet don't mind killing plants to eat. Dating is nigh-impossible when you hate dogs. Then I pet him when he's calm and less obnoxious. As a dog person, I always carry cleaning supplies with me for doggy accidents, but I also don’t take them in places they’re not allowed and pretend they’re a service shih tzu. I don’t think that most dogs are suited for city living, especially in apartments. It seems apparent to me that your dog knew great love during its life with you. Hence, why they prefer dogs. Animals are not toys. You are unique. Earbuds, library, student union, empty classroom, you can meet a lot more people if you aren't in your dorm much. It gives them a boost in serotonin. You can take her on a million walks, play with her, do puzzles with her and won’t matter. There are a million reasons dogs get turned into shelters/rescues. The dog is being a dog, thats what they do. She senses your hate, dislike, whatever you want to call it. Just make sure they get a good home. Here, you're welcome to express yourself freely without judgement or criticism. His best friend, a Dachshund named Itchy, loyally follows and helps Charlie in his crimes. Your boyfriend through not training the dog or properly exercising it he is training it to act this way. If it's one of those days when you can barely face getting out of bed, walking the dog may well be out of the question. Well, he went and contacted a breeder in Dallas (6 hours northwest of home) and set up a $900 DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I told my ex I didn’t want a dog but he insisted. He's disobedient, disrespectful, loud, hyperactive and ugly. One of my favorite saints is St Francis, who had a special love for animals. I never thought I would say those words out loud. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. The 8 and 13 year old can exercise the dog and/or do a short training session, pick up poop, maintain a clean water bowl, comb out burrs, and do other dog maintenance chores you don't enjoy. Dogs do not clean themselves like cats do, they carry a lot of bacteria and fleas in some instances, they are full of fecal matter They’re always like my dog will always come first , my dog is my child , my dog must approve of you , among the many other dog nuttery things dogs owners put on their online dating profile. Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. People just say stuff here. Help me, Doggit. His dog also begs for food, and it makes me irrationally angry to the point where I eat in my room, because I hate the dog jumping on me during dinner and trying to get to my plate. Then, every month pick one thing on your dislike list and focus on changing that. Sounds like an underlying issue. Do it in writing and do it daily - at least ten things per day. Continue with your therapy. I am also a 21 year old college student with a puppy! Well, a young dog now. Dogs, cats, bunnies, they’re all super cute and I respect them as living beings and part of the Great Universe. Loneliness breeds depression, and depression breeds lethargy. Dear Dog Owners, We don't like dogs here. I honestly hate the build up to vacation and leaving our dog behind. People are typically anti-adoption because they really believe the dogs are unwanted for a "reason". And the established dog responds. But I say I don’t like dogs and I hate dog friendly apartments. I’m sick of all the retarded slang nicknames for those disabled creatures like ‘pupper’ im convinced that those who use that sort of language have mental disorders so i won’t blame them for being annoying shits. This would be brain games. Being separated from the pack is punishment. I know I felt overwhelmed at times when my dog was a puppy. If you're reasoning is about them being gross or dirty, you probably shouldn't spend much time learning about just being outside or in a public space. And the breeder dog is fricking 18. So I either tell him to "stop" when he gets licky or ask him to move to a more convenient area. 5 year old GSD (female), and a 1 year old GSD (female). Huskies are very capable and intelligent dogs. When coworker 1 complains about it, tell them that you saw coworker 2 do it. Thank you for respecting our space. Food dispensers, puzzles, trick training, scent work, some dog sports while physical are also a lot mental like agility. A person who neglects to train their dog to do basic things like chew only on toys and who lets their dog growl at guests is not someone I would want to be around. . 104. Pet culture. My advice is if you really are getting that much commentary about your dog, you may be letting it get too close to strangers. It’s like living with an untrained 150 pound dirty animal that has no boundaries, destroys your house, and is a money pit. Even though I love dogs, I’ll be rude to people who I live in an apartment and my dog does this when another dog had just been in the room or elevator before she did. Signed: Someone else who hates the city they live in, although possibly on the opposite side of the world. If the dog is just sitting in the yard and only get a couple of hours of exercise and interaction a day, I would say it probably isn't as happy as it seems. Your boyfriend either steps the fuck up, or your boyfriend should consider rehoming his dog. This. And trust me, teaching her sit is WONDERFUL. Dogs want to sniff and mark, and not really just walk along in a straight line, for "exercise. TLDR; I hate my dog because I am allergic to her, am her sole caretaker, and she knows how to push my buttons. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. They do not pick up their dogs' poop, ever. Bear in mind as you read that I don't hate dogs, I just don't want them in my living space. But while you're living with your parents, you need to respectful of them and their pet. 3. I’m so tired of dog owners not appreciating cats. Hello r/dogs. It can seem hard to break, especially with an adopted dog who has experienced food insecurities. Your boyfriend is creating this situation by not meeting the dogs basic needs. 4. Dog Culture. And every time you change the routine or add a member the whole thing changes yet again. I love my dog. Give her time. I know everyone's experiences are different, but I hate it. You can let a cat exercise itself but you need to walk a dog. If you hate getting up in the morning, would working a job with different hours make a difference? If you simply hate giving up 40+ hours of your life working, you'll find no solution to that problem, and if you do, please let me know. There is a $200 fine at my apartment complex for not picking it up, and the landlord said they've been fined It’s a fluid dynamic, but I have three who like each other, two that really don’t like each other and a neutral party. A well trained dog at home has the intelligence & vocabulary of a three year old. Share your burning hot takes and unpopular opinions! 'Dog haters' often don't hate dogs, they hate dog owners. 5 years old and still goes for a walk everyday. Not to mention, there have been some of us who had a dog of our own that we loved. Sep 29, 2022 ยท I hate my dog: Reddit Tips. ago. Rehoming doesn’t make you a horrible person, but you SHOULD feel the weight of your decision. Your dog is still a teething puppy and has only known you for two months. 202 votes, 36 comments. I don't know how to say this without sounding like a total a**hole. Get owned. Maybe help them do their research. Of course, I still have lots of people in my life telling me he's missing out and I should be socialising him. If somebody doesn’t like cats, that’s normal. They'd rather a dog shit in their house then yell at it when it does. You don’t have a dog because it’s cute. Yes San Diego dog owner #3849829083. Rant. Just because I like a clean, nice and dog free home doesn’t make the the Antichrist , Hitler and or a horrible human being. Are you sure you want to be with someone who won’t communicate with you, won’t be a partner, and doesn’t care about your Once you have that answer, you'll know if you need a new job or a new career path. Fool. The first one is what you like about yourself. I love animals. I have 3 dogs. It's only been a month and a half and he is a much calmer dog. •. There have always been dogs in the houses I've lived in. According to that subreddit there is no correlation between pit hate and racism because humans and dogs are different. I said I wanted a husky or german shepard. Rant about dog owners not caring about cats. 11. Instinct is why your dog follows you, watches you eat & waits for their turn. In the meantime, try to be patient! Good luck! What you are experiencing is normal. Reply reply. Reply. I had dogs growing up and because of that I know how much work it is and I wouldn’t want one as an adult. Some of us tolerate dogs, but still don't like them. My boyfriend offers no support or help with her. Support Needed. Then leave the door open a little bit, so the cat can get in but still block I have given up socialising my reactive dog. Your dog should not have to live on the rollercoaster of your bullshit. Uncle's German short hair got aggressive, tore my shirt and bit my stomach, friend's German shepherd mix bit my hand from behind, a black mutt at a dog park came up from behind me, growled, and bit my hip out of the blue, a friend's bishon frise bit my leg, a neighbor's bishon frise bit my foot, and my wife's own black lab bit my arm as I tried lifting it into the car baldpatch29. It's a human named Anne-Marie, a little orphan who can talk to animals, who teaches Charlie and Itchy how to be generous and kind. She was fine one time when a dog walked out the elevator while we were waiting for it. The part of the yard that they come out at is just a landmine. next is to give it time, dont expect them to be friendly right away, trust building between the two takes time, more so if the dog is far larger then the cat. r/dogtraining and r/puppy101 have a lot of really great resources for training and how to handle all the puppy issues. I keep my dog right next to me unless 0 people are around. Our relationship is great. Rehoming shouldn’t be done lightly, it would be weird if you didn’t feel guilty. This is a part of that. It will be an important lesson in taking care of animals, not being callous toward the needs of other living things. After a few months, the like list will be much bigger than the dislike list. Above everything else, dogs need consistency and you both need to be doing the same thing. Yikes! Denial is not just a river in Africa. When I worked as a English teacher abroad, I hated little kids (and still do). I love my dog, but I miss my old life and I regret getting her. An outside dog can be happy if their owners are also outside with them. After that, sit down with your partner, and set up some house rules that will help you stay consistent, and keep the rules you want to keep: If the dog jumps on furniture, gently push the dog off the furniture. Vegans are hypocrites too. My full grown adult dog can take longer than two weeks to full understand a command and be able to do it off I hate my girlfriend's dog. And the comment about choosing the dog over you is borderline i tell myself i’m just a sick person who hates a defenseless dog, i hope i can work through this soon. Either you're jealous about other people having huskies or you're really just incredibly arrogant. While I was making breakfast this morning, I didnt notice she had managed to pop out a corner of the window screen in the living room. When you do remember to put your dog on a leash, make sure to stand in the middle of sidewalk with your leash blocking all of the walking space so people have to step into the street to get around you and pass by. It is a sleeping space and storage. Besides of communicating with each other in the nature and warning each other for a coming "danger" on distance, what's the…. I recently moved from a 2 flat with a back yard to an apartment after a breakup. I myself have a dog and I can’t stand people who hate on kids and prefer animals. In one of the units is a dude with a medium sized cattle dog and a Pyr. Yes. Because they (the dog haters) are soulless, evil monsters comparable to Satan worshippers, Bernie Sanders supporters, and baby rapists. This one is almost 18. We got our pup at 9 weeks and pretty much hated her for the first two weeks, and then still didn't like her that much at that point but we could feel it was starting to get better ๐Ÿ˜… having a puppy is a HUGE adjustment and it's totally normal to struggle with it. And it wasn't just one or two dogs, no, noooooo, it was 5+. e. If you can find a vet to prescribe anti anxiety meds, go for it. The third option is the most powerful: a gratitude practice. Dog ownership sucks. At least be intelligent and actually train your dog if you are going to pretend. I hope all turns out well for you and your new dog and you can live a happy life. Cuz it's a dog, bro. Far from it. What an arrogant thing to say about huskies, honestly. The dogs don't know that you as a human think you're entitled to any space you step into and you expect the dog to move. That or you should actually take some time to learn about dogs' grooming behaviors. Good farm and hunting dogs definitely spend lots of time with their owners, and get plenty of active exercise. Be patient, use positive reinforcement, find out what things are high value to her and use those treats or activities to reward her when she interacts with you. Re-home your dog until such time as your fit, but honestly, if the dog ends up happier, just leave her be. If you own a dog, there is no way that you can have a house which is clean and hygienic and there's no disputing this fact either. I'm more relaxed, he's more relaxed everybody wins. Teddy isn't just a stupid dog. People who prefer dogs tend to because they’re completely loyal and obedient. The 2 biggest behavior problems we have with him is: a) he does not move when he is asked. This community is geared towards modern, force-free, science based methods and recommendations. It's like refusing to date someone with kids from another relationship. This is absolutely normal. 5 years old and the rescue is about 12 years old. In my experience, the behavior of someone’s pet (s) can be an indicator of what they are like as a person. Neither are beginner breeds. When the pack kills an animal to eat, the alpha eats first & determines who in the pack eats when. Teach your dog how to relax and do this exercise for 10 minutes a day. with prolonged suffering), I’d say “too early” is by far the better choice in the face of something as inevitable as death. They assume the dog is a lemon: the dogs are ill-behaved, unhealthy, ugly, temperamentally unsound, etc. There are the inconsiderate owners that insist their dog is "friendly" whilst it is in the process of eating Also, low light with candles or soft lamps for times when you're relaxing will help to obscure the details and create a vibe that pushes out the ugly for a bit. They're not out to get you fool, they're doing the exact same thing you do when they run up on you. Pictures, videos, questions, and articles featuring/about cats. A day or so later, get another bag of dog poo and put it in coworker 2's trash. At best he’s very lazy. I have grown to resent and hate my dog. Suggest bringing in a trainer or behaviourist to teach both of you the best way to move forward. My favorite form of clothing is bandanas! I have so many and for different seasons! 3. nintengrl. At the end of the article, the author says: "Maybe sidewalks free of dog poop would ease at least one minor stress of city life, but the bigger gripes — the exorbitant cost of living, skyrocketing rents — aren’t going anywhere. Either they have a dog, which they don’t tell you about, or they lie to you about it. As long as the dog is comfortable and the clothes don’t interfere with movement and going to the bathroom. Or, they’re looking for a guy who has a dog. For some of us, it's because of something as simple as allergies. 5. I'm 25, and I have never been dogfree. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. The American dream is to own a house, so why are they making it so difficult to do so ugh! Reply reply. In a way you are-he sees his dog as a member of his family-and you won't accept it bc in your personal perspective-the dog is just a mangey mutt. When the dog charges, use a stick or rocks as weapons. I swear to you, it is magic. I really like to try to change my attitude, because it's causing me a bad mental state. Or, they’re looking for a guy, so I started to hate my dog. Our reasons for that vary. I'm at the end of my rope. Six different dogs. No dog is going to be perfect all the time but the dog can certainly behave better then it is now (of no fault of the dog, but definitely of your girlfriend OP). Constant barking is a neurotic compulsive frenzied behavior. In fact it's because we've had to live with dogs for a large portion of our lives. Sorry for my being here, I know my kind isn't liked, but I don't know where else to turn. And a negative feedback loop starts. This dog sounds like he needs some serious training and an outlet for his energy. To look inward and maybe find It's hard going from a home to living in an apartment. Saying "get out of my space" dog don't know what a sidewalk is. Animals generally adjust. I don't know why it's been normalized as "dogs just bark", it's a sign of distress. 1 cat took to the dogs right away, the other took r/DogHate. Given that your options are really “too early” or “too late” (i. 1st step is to get the cat 100% healthy, once there, its attitude may adjust. Recently, my kid sister adopted some random mutt, a 2 year old rescue that she thinks is a husky mix. " A dog owner, in my view, is kind of a jerk if they make it a point to not let the dog do this. You live in NYC, you probably get comments on your body and shit all the time. Much luck to you and your dog. Instead we get up early every day and drive to somewhere we know we'll never see anybody/any dogs. As far as introducing new people, I've found going on a walk together is the best bet. All I do all day is tell my husbands dog what not to do. Get some dog shit, put it in a paper bag and throw it into coworker 1's trash. Yes, I’ve had women trying to bait me like that. Getting a new pet is exciting, but the excitement wears off, even if the pet becomes part of the family. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Make sure the cat has a room/space all to herself and keep her in there with her food and litter box for a few days. I feel like every job, minus the one job I worked seven years as a overnight stock clerk, I've ever had is that all I can do is to think how much I hate it. I don’t think I ever honestly want any pets again. You could at least set boundaries in advance when it comes to its care and make sure they don't adopt an adult dog with a past or a problematic breed. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process. Aim for the eyes and throat especially. Wow, it seems like the issue is really your boyfriend. give the dog to someone who has the time to care for it. After a long walk in the park, Buddy usually trusts someone enough to let them be in the house. There are many subreddits on Reddit that are devoted to caring for pets and helping raise dogs and other pets, and there are many threads about the sentiment that “I hate my dog”. It does get better. It happens often where a well behaved and well adjusted dog just does not respond well to another dog in what they see as their space. Just ignore the fact that people (try to) justify both positions with basically the same evidence and reasoning. I love animals, but I will never want a pet. If they arent trained, they become a nightmare to handle as they are very strong willed and intelligent, and huskies are very dominant. But we spent probably ten times as much or more for the vet bills on him than the breeder dog. For 4 years I’ve loved him with my whole heart and have done everything to accommodate him yet he continues to be more insufferable as he grows up. I am so sorry. Got yelled at on a second date because of that. Get drunk with them and moan about the city you hate. Some of us can't stand to be near dogs at all. Professor office hours are a great way to meet like minded students too. Nothing complicated. I’m somebody who doesn’t like dogs, and it’s something that is very unaccepted in society. Some dog owners are insufferable. The reason for my phobia was obvious but yours is a little more unclear. I can’t even tell you how much this has changed my view on dogs. Take an obedience class together – you’ll establish yourself as a benevolent leader and grow as a team. But only that, if you are going to have a dog, you should recognize that this is normal behavior. I think you should feel sad, feel guilty, sit with that. To a bored dog, finding/eating surprise food is highly rewarding. Owning a dog is a lot of responsibility, and can feel overwhelming at times. Keep all inside doors closed so the dog can't get to beds. I got her when she was 10 weeks old, in February 2022. ADMIN MOD. The way I've always worked with dogs is not to encourage needy behavior like this. I just started to lose my patience. Mental exercise will help reduce stress, which is another key component. It takes a strong person to do that and I don’t know you and I’m proud of you for it. You guys deserve more and the dog do too. A 5 year old standard poodle (male), 3. Please do your dog the best favor and rehome her to someone who will truly love her. bluish-velvet. An 80% success rate in two weeks is wonderful, especially for a puppy. 21 votes, 86 comments. Weird, but a study buddy freshman year could turn in to a friend for life. Dogs are mans most loyal companion that gives love unconditionally, and you're just a hate filled female unfit for human consumption. My condolences for your absolutely atrocious parents. My husband is great about this. Do that for a few more days. Welcome! We provide a safe space for individuals who share reservations about pets and society's attitude towards them. If you're reasoning is about dogs being scary (again exceptions for traumatic experiences ofc), meet some dogs. And the new dog is anxious because it feels like it doesn’t belong and acts out. Thin walls, little space, no backyard for my dog, trashy neighbors, no parking spaces and the list goes on. I heard a clattering nose and checked, and she was zipping across the yard after a man on a bicycle passing by. [Vent] ๐Ÿ”‘ Open. I love dogs and grew up with them most of my life, but when I had dogs, I lived in the country or suburbs. I don’t like dogs. He wanted one then and there and I wanted to wait. For some of us, it's because dogs are messy. 1. Honestly you should feel bad for the way you treated your dog, but on the other hand you should feel happy that you realized your mistakes and where they stemmed from. At this point, there's no point in playing the blame game - You have two options. It sounds like your husband doesn't respect your boundaries, doesn't listen, and engages in every type of manipulation in the book. Which makes perfect sense. It is not wrong to feel nervous around dogs. The second is what you dislike. So you already know what they're talking about and instinctually start responding. It will be better than being resentful about it alone). People who own dogs don't want to train them, and they think people that do are being "mean". • 1 yr. Dog don't know what a leash is. These can be normal dog behaviors (except for this shitting during sex that’s a new one lol) but it’s the dog owner’s responsibility to train them. But I'm really not crazy about her dog, Teddy. If you want dogs to do or not to do certain behaviors - its on the OWNER to train them to do or not to do those behaviors, plain and simple. Make two lists. Spicy, let's keep this train rolling. [deleted] • 2 yr. The rule of 3s says she should start feeling at home at 3 months. The rescue was about one-tenth the cost of the dog from the breeder. I assure you dogs are resilient animals. I got my dog a koala costume but she’s got a lot of fur so I only put it on for a couple minutes so she wouldn’t get hot. Couple important things - Your house is too small for the dog. The aggression stems from not enough exercise and not enough training. You might even be able to find other people who are reluctantly there. [Help] I can’t even believe I’m typing this but I cannot help but be upset with owning my dog. I really think they’re wonderful and even beautiful. Dogs sense emotions and she clearly senses yours. I have stepped in their dogs' shit countless times. If bitting is unavoidable, offering a forearm leaves 3 limbs free to attack the dog and protects your face and stomach. There, I said it ๐Ÿ˜…. . But I miss the life I had before I got her. Tell coworker 2 that you heard that coworker 1 did it cause of the incident before. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. If the dog had a responsible owner that met its needs it wouldn't behave this way. Also, we sometimes have a thought pop up and get really excited and don't mean to say it in the middle of what you're saying. Dude, you don’t hate dogs, you hate disgusting irresponsible shitty dog owners. If it looks like the dog will attack, put something between you and the animal –a stick, a jacket, anything to protect yourself. i have 2 cats and have dogs that come to stay frequently. So while I think dogs can do wonders for mental health, puppies are little gremlins sometimes and you need to be prepared and patient. Get a young one and spend a lot of time bonding with it. 7. Here is a list of some of the curated tips from real-life Reddit users who might know what you can do if you feel like you hate your dog: In fact, the first couple weeks can be very stressful (crate training, potty training, puppy nipping can be challenging) and you probably won't get a lot of sleep at first. they will thrive. Think of it like a new lick of paint. The sidewalks and outdoor common areas smell like urine 24/7: most people can’t be assed out to take more than a few I hit my dog and hate myself now. And if you love pets, you're also welcome to learn about pet-free perspectives and engage in respectful dialogue. Vent. dogs are fucking pests. He's a con artist who steals, lies, and uses people to illegally get rich. And in time take a long look at why you grew to resent your dog in the first place. I like animals and I honestly have always liked dogs but living this one has been hell. The fake service dog is so annoying. [deleted] •. Anybody else dread going on vacation because you don’t want to leave your dog lol. They don’t want a challenge, and want something that will please them and entertain them. Then introduce an item that has the dog's smell on it (blanket, shirt, whatever) into the room. I have a ten month-old shepherd mix. How the hell can you say "as close to a bad dog breed as you can get" and not mention Pugs, Chihuahuas, Pitbulls and such. There is the whole "henlo fren" doggo voice thing, which makes any sane person's blood boil. On the dog thread this girls husky killed her cat and she moaned that she kept them in separate parts of the house and the dog broke through the door but that’s not good enough! This is not a failure on the dogs part. When my roommate (a good friend) moved in, it came up in conversation. Your boyfriend isn't taking care of his dog to the best of his abilities. Try dog sports like agility, flyball or Frisbee – burning energy in a productive way prevents misbehavior. It’s OK to have negative feelings. When they get in the right home. Your wife needs a reality check. Archived post. Don't be fooled, he's only keeping the dog for himself. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. This is an unacceptable way to live, not to mention raising children in such a filthy home. Your boyfriend is the problem. The background: I wanted a dog rough 3/4 of a year ago when I was living alone. It wasn’t that I didn’t love dogs, I do but it was the May 20, 2024 ยท Massage and stretch them regularly – this relaxes dogs, lowers anxiety, and deepens your bond through touch. You cannot have a clean house if you have a dog. The severity of our dislike varies as well. Not as much now though. monique1397. Doesn't matter if something is sentient or not, you can't claim to be defending all forums of life, but then happily disregarding the life of others and trying to call out meat eaters. The compromise about being in a relationship (marital and familial) is accepting the other person. wu nc eo pm sh wd qv oi fv gp