Gf distant after fight reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


Anthony Gallo Image

She will start off complaining about how our apartment is too small and we live in the ghetto and she hates everyone and everything she wants to harm herself and claims she My girlfriend is getting close to a new guy. But it's only one year, if you can hold on till then. And my gf (now wife) had the same as your gf. Healthy relationships don’t have one party using the silent treatment to “punish” the other. We don't track each other, but if we did, I wouldn't have turned my location off. I stopped drinking, which was the root of a lot of my problems. And after reading other experiences of couples, I’m finding there are those who fought for it and worked through it head on, and those who broke up Relationships are supposed to compliment each other and cheer each other on. This is a subreddit dedicated to asking women for advice. It turned out that the after the last time we had spoken she met a guy at a party who was visiting her college for a few days and cheated on me with GF distant because of my views on Israel/Palestine My (23M) Israeli Gf (22f) has been going through a lot recently. Healthy relationships don’t make you feel sick with worry consistently. My mother began staring at my GF, I noticed, and whispering to my brother’s GF who she’s very close with. In fact when she gave me her phone tldr; GF moved out of country temporarily for a year and won't be back until june. The first is a strong abandonment fear. Currently, we've been doing LDR for a little more than a year. Stay strong. Now i understand she is busier, but in the past month, our text quality has drastically dropped. Last week I left the house after a fight, but I told my partner where I was going before I left (to my parents). It makes me feel completely helpless, like there's nothing I can do that will keep her around except give in to her completely. As for Bumble BFF, your concern shows a lack of trust and that is far more worth noting than the questions you have. So, we’ve always done a really good job So after I try to explain myself she hangs up on me because she was gonna see her friend, and sends me a text message saying "I love you and I'm going to marry you, but I can't deal with this and I need you to not talk to me for a few days". Due to excessive stress we decided to take a month long break 7 months ago but then got back together after the month but since then shes been acting all weird since ,she doesnt respond to my calls anymore,doesnt wanna ft,doesnt text back,just reply after a day tl;dr: my girlfriend is getting more and more distant as time goes on, she has stopped sending me IM messages while we're not together (Where in the beginning of our relationship, it was almost constant). e. I got my head down and ended up doing very well at Uni, I've now got a job that I love, and I've been with my girlfriend for the best part of 4 years, and things are absolutely great. My[27M] girlfriend [27F] has been acting distant after a fight, how should I handle the situation? Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 8 months, and I love her a lot. You can’t deal with mental illness alone and i would never put it on my Partner. She even sent me a message after she left about how much she loves me and I make her so happy and it really came from her heart and was very genuine. ADMIN MOD. I don't want to lose her because I've never quite felt as happy as I do when were together. She’s really good for me but now when I think of her I don’t jealous or worry about things so intensely. Remember, relationships are a journey, and it takes mutual effort and commitment to weather the ups and downs. OP has to try. Before we dated, she dated 3 other people. Having good and open communications with each other. Ive been dating my gf for 6 months now, and it seems like now it is starting to slow down and I don't know if she is distant because she isn't interested anymore or she is taking it slow. We see eachother 2-3 times a week and call/text daily when we don’t. We spent the whole weekend together, made love the whole night, we were the happiest couple ever. If you're in the US, call 1-800-799-7233. Anuodate to the entire situation:After she broke up I insisted her on telling me what triggered it since it had happened all of a sudden. After 5 or 10 minutes of silence she starts sobbing and saying she's sorry and, then full on crying. We move on. NVC is about kindness and expressing things openly, and has served very well in my relationships. She lied about who she hung out with, but immediately confessed after that quick lie. Me and my girlfriend had a fight last night because of me not respecting her habits and religion, she says that I act like I’m perfect and that I never listen to her, she says that I always want to do things my way, she also started to act distant with me this past week and she just told me it’s because of college and her career but I feel like there is something else she’s not telling me. Always ask if you can do something differently to help her with that process- when you two are back in a positive place. She told me it's an issue with her that she can't work on with me any more. You can’t just end an argument and then bam! Things are back to normal. The reason I conclude this is because around 6 years ago I had a relationship with a girl who told me she had BPD and the patterns seem almost identical. When my girlfriend woke up, I got angry at her for blowing me off the night before and I admit I took out the stress from my sister's situation onto her. Both you and her need to communicate. The best thing you can do is not make this about you right now. My (20) GF (19) (we're long distance) and I have been together for 10 months now, but the past 2 - 3 months she's gotten very distant. She became very cold and distant. apparently his parents found out we are dating and they added me on social media. Little spats: These usually consist of a small disagreement that results in a cocky response, or minor bickering. She'll simmer down once the dust settles. This last week though, has been hell. ago. People can have a million reasons to be distant. This can happen after an argument when you think it is over and you are ready to move on, but he is still quiet and reserved. What you have to do is talk to her about it. GF has been distant. Could be stress, complacency, you are too clingy and she has been worn down by your neediness, or maybe just a typical fade out. If it’s a big thing, arranging time to actually sit and discuss it openly rather than arguing. I been with her for almost 3 years, we have had many fights she has ended up blocking me a lot times We are people who met online, students studying across the country and abroad, people separated by jobs and the military, and more. UPDATE*: she phoned me after her last exam. Make a habit of it until she's starting to feel joy for herself, and through these activities she may slowly start to build some self-confidence. She manages him and he’s sometimes a bad employee, but not enough where she is stressed and venting. i informed him about it and wanted to ask if it was fine to accept them. 291K subscribers in the askwomenadvice community. This can happen without you even being aware that anything is wrong leaving you wondering what in the world happened. Some nights she is totally distant, other nights she is almost obsessively into me. Reddit, help me out here. Instead, get some individual counseling for yourself to figure out why you have chosen multiple abusers and continue to stay for more abuse. Almost immediately after that fight my girlfriend started weird. Try not to compare with short-distance ones. Yes, we miss each other, but we talk every day, Skype almost at least once a day, text back and forth constantly, so the distance doesn't seem unbearable. Her "answer" is to threaten to break up and of course, it's painful and scary. “Otherwise, you’ll My GF and I went I are growing distant, though I love her deeply. • 5 yr. A running theme in our relationship has been her availability. Try not to let the other things (especially negative ones) affect your relationship. It's most likely stress that's causing her to be short with you if she's still keeping contact. It seemed fine at first though we didn’t talk much. After a while she finally somewhat calms down and starts talking. And that's where it got bad. we've argued more and more the longer she's been gone. You have to love yourself to understand what you will tolerate. She'll usually stay with me for maybe 5 days or so, then I won't see her for two weeks. I don’t see where the fight is either - just your gf ignoring you for something normal Me (23F) and my gf (22F) have been together for almost two years now. We talk about them, discuss them and try to work them out. Recently however, perhaps a week or so ago a new classmate came into her class. (2) we talk it out when we’re both calm. Let her know that this could break your relationship. After my brother’s GF left (this is a little after 10 PM at this point) my mother tried 25m broke up with my long distance gf 26f, regret it, fight to get her back or let her go I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years, due to long distance, it put strain on the relationship as she was very dependent on me, and she needed constant reassurance and I was just very laid back. We welcome anyone seeking advice of a… Ever since the fight two days ago I’ve felt emotionally distant, I’ve been wanting to keep my distance from her. GF (20) just had an abortion and is feeling really distant I (23m) want to be there for her Europe We have been together for the best part of one year now and things were going great till last month she got pregnant on accident. If your GF joins a service for meeting people platonically and hits on someone, they'll kick her off if she gets reported. r/LongDistance is a subreddit for and about long distance relationships. Healthy relationships = having boundaries, open communication and mutual respect. We live in the same time zone though. She is like why I am still with a guy like you. The next day in the morning was fine too. Of course, I respect that and I will give her her space. Anyone else, been through this? : r/LongDistance. " 4. She will eventually threaten her life everytime you guys disagree. I try to reassure her and understand My girlfriend acts super distant and won't hang out with us, and as soon as my son goes home she usually acts passive-aggressive and it will usually lead to an argument. Reply reply. We both thought we would marry each other, but time isn't right and distance was awful. My girlfriend will act all weird all of the sudden one day with absolutely no provocation in the recent days. Award. 3 weeks after a very tough but mutual breakup, she is dating another guy. It can be as simple as her getting guilty for ruining your laundry. The only support you can give your girlfriend now is to take her out to have fun. We see each other once or twice a week because we tend to prioritize My bf being cold and distant after huge fight. I began to question my personality. Checking in with yourself on if this is a small or big thing and making sure your reaction matches the problem. In addition, you've talked to her about it yet she continues to do it. May 31, 2024 · 5) She’s guilty (and she doesn’t want to get caught). Recently she went to a party with her friend circle and informed me that she would be back by 10 PM. So, I have a gf I have been seeing for about a year now. She asks for some affection after having a difficult conversation and I already told her that it's hard for me to switch gears like that. Advice Needed. Recently she disappeared for 4 days and wouldn’t answer my calls or texts. Especially because you said that she hates that question when you ask how it's going between you My gf and I had been fighting thru text almost every other day recently. Being introverted is fine, not being open about your feelings after 6 months dating, not worth the pain for most people. I genuinely think I'm quite in love with this girl and I want to get this relationship back on track. My girlfriend seems to me to have bipolar from her behaviour patterns (which I will go into below). • 2 yr. Dec 1, 2020 · Communication, understanding, and respect will do well to get your relationship back on track. Respect her boundaries and reach out to her when she’s ready to talk. TL;DR: Gf cheated in the past, we worked through it. I understand that girls love to be chased, but I'm bored of this game We've been together for 3 months now after dating for 1. It's a long and complicated story but involves his ex wife and a shit load of complications that I at Dec 16, 2019 · Don’t: Be stubborn and not accept his apology. She’s scared you’d get furious so she pulls away. It happens in a couple ways: (1) sometimes one of us will be annoyed/frustrated but if we just stop talking about it, we’ll get over it so we say “moving on” and that’s it. I let it go for a week, but then I had to ask her if she had a problem with me. we both are adults (I'm 25 and she is 24), we both got bpd and survived awful households and painful childhood and I think that what got us together as we understand each other and understand the daily struggles. She's always such a warm person, and that was gone from our relationship. Oh, a tip: don’t go to sleep mad or not talking to each other, it only makes things worse. These don't last usually longer than a minute or two at the most. 4. jessieo387. At first I thought she was faking it in a desperate last-bid attempt, but after asking her about it it really seems like she has absolutely no memory of last night. When I first met her she was a strong, dedicated girl which I respected and initially Time spent not constantly communicating is totally fine, days or weeks. This will just set you up for more manipulation and abuse. Not long after, she would express extreme regret and beg that I forget what she said and come back/stay with her. This coworker is a guy she knew before me and they had a small thing that never took off cus he was mean. I can’t forget things so easily. Disclaimer: the whole thing is gonna sound silly. If he’s offering a genuine, sincere, and heartfelt apology, accept it. We argued about how from my perspective she prioritized playing a game of pool over chatting with me for five minutes when she knew I needed her. All I can say is, ask her why she has been distant. nattie_bee. Girlfriend keeps making fights over nonexistent problems. We moved into our new place at the first week of February and things were rocky at first. Committing to treating each other with respect and kindness. For background, she had a change of schedule recently which made her more busy. This has happened several times over our relationship. Ok, I have the same problem. 2. You can't learn these things if you grew up with parents who behaved the same way. If a small thing, taking a step back for a minute. She'll say something like she feels alone in the relationship or that she feels I'm distancing myself from her. After about an hour of that, my mother and brother’s GF left the room very obviously to go talk about my GF and were gone for about 20 mins. So as it suggests in the title, my girlfriend, Rebecca, and I have been fighting a lot recently. 5. . LT, your GF's volatility and anger issues may be due to her having weak control over her own emotions (i. We’re long distance due to school. This isn't out of the norm for her to go there after work. You've tried your best to talk to her about it, and I know you don't want to break up with her, but maybe you should bring it up with her? She knows you're upset but maybe she doesn't understand how severe it is. . The most recent and heated was fight makes me question her respect and levels of patience with me. What you need to do is relax, be supportive, don't be needy, and enjoy her company. Sometimes, when we fight about something serious, she walks out on me. That's just childish and sketchy – as if he wants you to worry that he's out doing something he shouldn't be. Gf is visiting a different country and has become distant. 5 years now Every time we had a fight, she says she would break up. She might be receptive to learning how toxic this behavior is. So we are in a long distance relationship for about 1. Explain why you feel she has been distant. Don’t hold onto the anger and not forgive him. But after a while she realised that I needed time to cool down and she stopped following me around. As of the last week it’s started to slightly annoy me and I think “ok talking about Ben again. And to answer your question, you will have to accept the friendship is over. I was just gonna say I'm pretty sure there's an older story with much more detail who got beat badly in a fight protecting a woman and his girlfriend started acting distant because it scared her. The incident has made us both different. bf hasn't contacted me after a fight. There also may be mistakes because I am not a native english speaker. Giving him that space without trying to catalyse the process is incredibly important. The one thing that hurts our relationship is she prefers text as a communication and refuses to use phone call or face time. or if she is in different mood she would yeah everyone is amature you are the only matured person . I (M37) have been with my GF (F 31) for about 2 years. The original post is by u/throwRA556fb posted July 17th, 2020. had a big argument on saturday night over something small, something that we wouldn't have argued over in person, and I got so frustrated that I pretty much broke up with her. Just do stuff you like to get your mind off of it and allow yourself to grieve the loss of the friendship. That's what I immediately turn to to handle disagreements - both near and far, but especially far. [new] hi my bf (m24)and i (f23) have been together for almost 3 years. For anyone considering(but not seeking), currently in, or who used to be, this is the community for you! We are here for support, advice, and community who can relate to your experiences. Gf [23F] acts closer whenever I'm [25M] acting distant, and distant when I'm trying to be close. Up-Town. Trust. So I hold her hand and try to calm her down so I can figure out what is going on. Dump her, if she does not want to open up, none can force her but it does come with a cost. A little bit confused but otherwise wanting hugs and kisses and attention and what-not. Voices may be raised, maybe a door gets slammed. He goes into his shell. My (24f) bf (26m) is basically giving me a silence treatment since yesterday. I really don’t know why I am not comfortable with him partying the whole Well she always you are too good to be true never gets angry and I try to keep it that way . Dude, exams are nuts. My gf wants space after a fight My (25m) gf (25f) have been dating for 6 months and started to have more heated arguments recently. She was just my girlfriend again like nothing happened. She is affecting your mental health leave before it gets worse. If that doesn't work- take a look and ask yourself if you have a habit of repeating issues. It’s on a trend of destigmatization. Some people don't deal with them well. It was late at night and he was out with his boys so after apologising i just said that i loved him and to stay safe. and if I txt My girlfriend is cold and distant after argument. Ignoring your partner and/or repeatedly leaving desperate messages on read for days at a time means you don't deserve to be dating them. It’s more like he’s just on her mind. On the bad nights, she began suggesting us taking time apart. M21 F20 So Most of Reddit is young, but they will learn in their 20’s and 30’s how important therapy is. She went to her coworkers place that night. Anyone else, been through this? We have been in a long distance relationship for the majority of our time together. We met in grad school and knew for it to continue it'd have to be long distance. My GF cuts herself after when I confront her about not working Me (25M) and my gf (25F) have been together for 2 years. Perhaps she’s guilty because she’s cheating on you, but there are other less sinister reasons when a girl acts distant. Also, its a chitty thing to resort to. We fight occasionally but whenever that happens, it is usually over something small and get… Now, on a normal day to day basis, life is grand. Need Support. Its been a day since my boyfriend and I apologised to each other after an argument. he said it was my choice so i said okay, i would I need you guys help to help me understand this situation, my ex gf who I currently been in no contact for 5 days now but last time we saw each other was more than 2 weeks ago, she suddeny became distant with me litteraly the same day that she was talking to me nonstop in the morning that day. Can't tell you why she is distant. 1. Arguments: these last usually longer than a minute and up to about 15 minutes. You can’t fix her emotional state anyway, only time can do that. So my (M 22) gf (F 21) and I have been dating for 5 months. I think she loves me too, but we have been in a funk since someone took advantage of her. GF is acting distant. I text and snap her many times a day and call her on most days. We used to call and text often, talk to each other about anything, and we really enjoyed each others company but now if I ask to call its Relthrowswauy4939. We have had our share of ups and downs but we're very transparent and there is a lot of love and trust between us. : r/relationship_advice. Tell her how you are feeling. Original Title: My (26M) girlfriend (25F) has grown distant after I got beat up defending a group of girls being harassed. So me (19M) and my girlfriend (17F) have been dating now for a few month. boyfriend still seems cold after our fight. When we're together she seems as if she's really happy, and she tells me she loves me when I tell her I love her. Honestly, you can't really tell what's going from what you wrote. If he comes to a conclusion, it needs to be properly informed and unforced; it need to come from his own free volition rather than over guilt for making you feel badly. The change will only occur if she wants to feel happy and change for the better. If you have shown you are capable of learning and growing- then perhaps she is just needing that space to recover. The latest fight had us having silent treatment to each other for about 2 days now. But I'm so confused and baffled. Sean Burn. We’ve been together over a year now but I feel like she’s a different person from who I fell in love with. If she has not put forth the effort then it’s perhaps time to leave. This story was originally published in 2015 and was updated on December 1, 2020 to meet Lifehacker Hello, my (27m) girlfriend (27f) and I were long distance before the pandemic and would meet up frequently throughout the year. Me and my boyfriend started as casual fling but started exclusive about 3 hook ups in, but after being exclusive he ask me out most when he wanted to have sex with me, and his attitude became more distant and he started to become more busy with work, whether is work related travel or if he had a meeting he would just cancel our plan even though there’s still half a day left. Girlfriend went completely cold and silent after an argument. Did this fight push me away? Do you think I’m just emotionally exhausted? It’s been really intense the last couple My girlfriend’s anxiety is seriously affecting our relationship and I don’t know what to do. For months. For context, in this latest fight, I had told her that she had hurt me with her harsh words and I tried to express in detail to her how it had made me feel pretty lousy abt myself. Jul 30, 2020 · Then you have a disagreement and he pulls away and becomes distant. Honestly though, after that first year, things have gotten so much better for me. Although our conversation seems to flow and we interact quite nicely but I feel she had put her wall up again like she doesn't trust me anymore. Taking space is completely normal and is recommended. But once everything was on lockdown, I haven't seen her until now. If your goal was not to stigmatize it then sorry, just used your post to let people know they should go and it’s helpful in ways you could never imagine. Whenever it happens, it turns a minor fight into something bitter that lasts for several Girlfriend talks about guy at work just enough to make me question if she’s attracted to him. I always tell someone "Thank you" when they've shared something hard with me, and "I wish I could hug you right now. It takes me days to move on with the fight. You're reading way too much into things. During that time, she'll maybe only trade a few texts with me a day even though I know she is constantly on her phone. Me (23M) and my gf (24F) have been dating for almost a year and everything has been alright, we're dating for long term relationship and we're aiming for marriage, she has met my family and I've met hers (in my culture that's considered as a sign that you're serious with your partner), we might have some fights but usually we can just get over it and back on loving each other again. Actually, a friend of mine had the same problem, but in his relationship it escalated untill he actually pushed his gf onto the ground because she wouldnt leave him alone. , a lack of coping skills that most people acquire in childhood). If that is an issue, however, you should be seeing 4 other warning signs. Girlfriend ghosted and blocked me after 2 years and 4 months relationship. So, my gf and I have been dating about 10 months entirely long distance. Her most serious one was the 2nd relationship. A person that is head overheels about you, will let you know through action and speech. We got into a huge fight because i am having a huge problem with him being out with friends until late and he doesn’t want to compromise on it. Recently, the extremes have increased. You need to feel like you deserve better, and counseling can help you. How could things go from 100 to completely 0 in just a day. Edit: When we are not fighting everything is still amazing. Gf (19f) feels distant to me (20m) Me and my gf of 7 months are both in college. Most recently, she suggested we break up. If you haven’t given him the space he needs, he ain’t going to initiate contact because he has had no time to process and to have his space. but sometimes I lost it . A bit of background: I (19M) have been with my girlfriend (18F) for about a year and a half. She was about 5'3, 120 lbs. This is a repost. Not saying OOP is necessarily ripping off that post but the details are exactly the same. Those reasons will be shallow. we were together for 2 years and 4 months This means that if your girlfriend starts acting distant, you shouldn’t go into super caring and loving mode, trying to fix all her problems. Although, I wonder if you just grew apart - and distance damages closeness, obviously! I wonder if this should be dialled right back to 'just friends'. my girlfriend (20F) has been distant after argument with Me (22M) Hi everyone, So im in a long distance relationship, my girlfriend has some issues from her past with guys harassing her. Everything has been going great so far. At this point I can barely hold myself together. Think of the reason why you’re fighting and compare it to the love you feel for each other and all the things you’ve been through together. My ex and I were long distance as well (he's in NYC and I'm in Vancouver) and plane tickets are $300-500 min. My GF (25f) is acting suddenly distant in our LDR. Sometimes insecurity can kill a relatonship. GF (27F) always ask me (26F) to give her affection after every fight Her top love languages are Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation mine is Quality Time. And so many things. This is the first time either of us have moved and we had to leave our families so it was a rather emotional time for the both of us. my [23m] girlfriend [21f] is being distant and i'm extremely worried. I thought at first maybe I was just imagining things, but things didn't seem right. we had an argument the other day. These things hurts me to the core. Women tend to be much more circumspect about connecting this way. As a close friend says, "Lets end the suspense and do it!" To cut the story short we fought after I tried messaging the girl thru his phone in the app to cut off the communication at wag na sumabay kasi ayaw i message ni BF sabi nya na kasi sinabihan na daw nya ng personal kasi nga im getting uncomfortable na and they were eating out na without my knowledge, nalaman ko din na nag confess sa kanya yung Posted by u/drufezzz - 1 vote and 5 comments The thing is, if his gf has never been told this is wrong it might not be as severe as you are making it out to be. She told me that during this week of distance she realised she didn't love me any more and that it was over; she's too obsessed with my ex and can't trust me. I have been with my gf Sarah for 3 years and been living together for 1. I'm broken. We’re both 21 and in our senior year of college. That day and the day before were the 2 best days in our relationship. Wherever my former friend is though and whatever she’s doing, I hope she’s doing good. The best thing you can do is to simply walk away and let your girlfriend come back to you when she’s ready. its been 2 weeks even if she texts me now she would be like are you angry or what you doing she wont apologize . Many different reasons. May 17, 2023 · If your girlfriend is distant after an argument, it may be a sign that she needs space and time to process her feelings. Work on building yourself to be more self-confidence and secure. A relationship is a team and if one member is not contributing then it’s not going to last. ”. So we had a fight where I said bad things, she said bad things and we barely talk for 1 week, we had a 3 hour conversation to settle things, she said she was still confused and didnt know if we keep going or not, I said that I needed to know because wasnt fair for me to wait without knowing and having anxiety if we keep going or not, she agreed Life was normal until our recent fight. yh km br qo te ca uw cm ge bq